Sunday, May 16, 2010

It's important to remember . . .

 . . . the path you take and the reasons why.
 . . . the people that matter in the decisons you make.
 . . . when to swallow your pride and ego.
 . . . to let the things that matter, matter.
 . . . that after the bandaid is ripped off, the pain subsides.
 . . . that everything heals.
 . . . that each day ends with the sun set.
 . . . that each day begins with a sun rise.
 . . . that not everyone is on your team.
 . . . that those who are loyal and unconditional deserve your sacrifice.
 . . . that that who are not deserve only your commitment to task.
  . . . that self respect and integrity are what you take with you every day
 . . .  to carry your self respect and integrity home each  night.
 . . . that sometimes the sprint is painful, but is far from the finish line.
 . . . what matters.
. . .  what doesn't.
 . . . who does.
 . . . who doesn't.

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