Monday, August 25, 2008

I heard the news today

In this lifetime, there are people that we meet and then there are the people who not only create a lasting impression, but who become the model of what a great and worthy person is. Today I learned that such a person passed away. My friend died after a long battle with cancer which she fought courageously and with dignity. But that is not how she will be remembered. My friend will be remembered for the way she lived - who she was every day with each and every person who was fortunate enough to know her.

I knew Sandra as a professional and she always amazed me with what she could accomplish because she was inspirational and she cared for others. Sandra had a vision and a belief that passion in what we do every day is essential. She lived that vision each day helping people to live their passion. I share Sandra's vision, and I can only hope that at the end of my life, whenever that may be, I will have made a difference to others the way Sandra did for me and so many others.

Even though I did not know Sandra as well personally, I know that she was an authentic person. I know that by the way she smiled with her eyes, by the way she held my hand every time we met, as if passing her love of life and passion onto me and everyone else. Her smile, her touch and the sparkle in her eyes are most memorable to me, because in all the years that I knew her, these things never changed, no matter what was happening in her life. She believed in the potential of each person in each moment. And she made others believe. She made me believe.

I will remember Sandra as my friend and my teacher. Her light will shine on, for a light as bright as hers can only grow brighter each day.

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